Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

So if you know my husband then you know that the one thing he likes to do more than anything in the world money! And this especially includes holidays! So we postponed our "Valentine's Day" until this past weekend.

Now we did actually get to celebrate our love on Sunday February 14th by renewing our vows at our church. I was unexpectedly nervous about this, much the same as my own wedding day. Confident in my love for Stephen but anxiety ridden about everyone watching us!  It was a beautiful ceremony and our church even hosted a reception. WLOX our local news station came to report it and because I work with this particular reporter frequently I asked her not to film us! So she got a good shot of our hands/rings and of our wedding picture! Check it out here:
Safe Harbor UMC Couples Renew Wedding Vows- Video

So this weekend Stephen and I exchanged our 'gifts'.....I made him a dozen hand dipped chocolate strawberries and he gave me a cute little nighty (tee hee hee). That was actually a first for him, in regards to trying to shop for lingere or anything for me to wear and he did quite well!  Then he took me out after his basketball game for a steak dinner (with a free gift certificate, all we had to do was tip) It was sweet though, b/c we were the only ppl in the resturant that late!

In other news I've been thinking so much about our relationship and the relationships of our friends lately. Sometime last month I started worrying about our awesome single friends. Its so hard for me to not understand why some of the coolest, nicest, most generous and attractive people I know are single. Now don't get me wrong, I don't run around playing matchmaker  nor do I belive that its easy to 'date' in this day and age. Yet...I know that these individuals that I love so much, deserve caring and loving companionship just as much as anyone else.

I've also been troubled by worrying about other friends who are in relationships that often seem difficult. How is it that we sometimes confuse love with control. passion with sex. happieness with money. or freedom with geography? It hurts my heart to see people in my life both leave relationship prematurely without sticking out the hard times, or to hang on and endure years of hurt and pain in the name of committment.

Love is a tricky thing and when you have something so wonderful sometimes you just hope that everyone else can be blessed with the exact experience. I pray so much as so hard for my single friends and our couple friends. I pray that regardless of their relationship status that they are living the  life that God has called them to live.

My own quest for love is far from perfect and yet  Stephen and I have recently gotten a small spark of that new romance back lately. I dunno if its b/c we're finally starting to feel settled or what?  Its amazing the stuff you do extra when you're in LOVE..I got up Sunday morning and made him pancakees with fresh strawberries ans strawberry syrupfor NO special  reason...when i could have slept in!

I feel like I've been in such a depressive rut since october but i started tackling my anxiety again and I think this is the product me having the ability to leave the dishes in the sink and relax instead of stressing out about everything 24/7. Stephen probably wishes I would spend more time doing laundry and dishes than "relaxing" but hey it eventually gets done, so no harm right?

I've completed almost two months of yoga Thursdays now...and I think that's helping me too. It gives me some ME time to slow down and focus on something completely new. In the same light, Stephen just finished his basketball season with Safe Harbor. Playing basketball was a new sport for him, and he's been able to spend quality time with other positive male family and friends lately. (I didn't go to any of his games except the last two play off games!) This was his new "him" time. I think we all need that as much as we need "us" time!

I hope that each of you celebrated Valentine's Day and used it as a reminder to tell someone special that you love them and to love yourself a little too! And if you missed it (like Stephen and I did...there's still a few days left in February to celebrate your love!!!) 

Wanna share what makes you smile lately???

1 comment:

Red said...

This post made me smile. So glad you found someone to share your life with and may I be as lucky.