Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Morning Quarterback

So on Friday I made some of my friends a promise...."I Evelyn, do solemnly swear to apologize on Monday for what ever happens this weekend." Well ladies and gentlemen this is it:  I'M SORRY.

For those of you who don't know I had a self declared selfish weekend. I asked my friends to return the favor of my unending hospitality. For years I've attempted to plan, organize, host, DD, referee, decorate, FEED, clothe and house my friends on various occasions. This weekend I asked that I not have to be responsible for anyone but me...and that they make sure all my necessities are of their up most importance. Oh, and that even if I happen to  ignore them, complain or require additional security at any point in time that they overlook it.

Sounds ridiculous? Well it was! And..........I loved every minute!

More specifically here is what I apologize for:

... kicking you out of your own bed and making you sleep on the couch.

...riding illegally in the back seat of your car

...getting a boot put on  your car.

...calling you by your maiden name repeatedly!

... attempting to use your washer, in an unsupervised manner.

... drinking all of your Cokes.

... licking peanut butter off of your floor.

...demanding breakfast and complaining that I got toast instead of biscuits

...wearing my shades inside.

...making you load all my luggage.

... talking about you in front of your face

...making fun or mocking you for the sake of entertainment

... being so bossy; whiny; demanding; disappointed; disinterested; or disrespectful

... "kicking you off this cruise"

... stealing donuts from your friends tailgate

...spilling my drink on your husband and then wiping his crotch myself.

...making you drive my car, while I remind you it's a Hybrid 100 times and try to convince you it's different than your car!

...making you pay for anything.

...for forgetting any other offenses that I can't recall right now!

Most of all, I get to say THANKS! And I get to recognized that I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for! I guess if you were one of the afflicted the only justification is that it probably makes you appreicate the fact that I usually bring Stephen along for assistance in most of these tasks!  And just in case you're wondering........Stephen says I can't go anywhere alone or do this again anytime soon. So you're all off the hook and can feel welcome to board for my next cruise. Where there's always an air mattress and homemade breakfast!

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