Monday, January 4, 2010

One step at a time...

Well I'm not one on New Years Resoloutions...mostly because I always let myself down. But I have committed to start changing some things in my life, starting with my weight.

I don't know any other way to do this than little steps. Thanks to my friend Mel, I've started increasing my daily  water intake since before the holidays. Yes, it took bribing me with editing  my own wedding pictures...but it's working. I haven't been 100% consistant with this but I'm much better when I'm at work, sitting at my desk.

To hopefully motivate others and to keep myself going, I'll try to post some of my progress on here as it comes. This could mean daily or just keep checking in and if you have it in you giving me some kudos!

So here's some the things I did differently today to change my life:

I woke up at 5:30 with Stephen, ate two pieces of toast w/ 6oz of OJ and STAYED UP! I didn't go back to bed. I had ideas of exercising but instead vegged out on the couch and watched an awesome Yoga workout in Spanish! I need to increase my Spanish anyways, this was a great starter.  Its ok, you can laugh that I watched a one hour yoga work out from my couch. I  think I'll try part of it tomorrow, I just wanted to see what it was all about!

I brought my lunch to work, although when it came time to eat it I had so little appatite I threw most of it away. And I'm drinking my water.

I hope to get on the eclipe machine and watch 30 mins of TV. We'll see if that happens.

Other news....I'm excited that we have TWO black tie events coming up. I'm looking for one formal dress that will help me feel better about me! I wish I had some time to shed the pounds before these events. But meanwhile, I'll just work on other things in between!

Are you changing atleast one thing everyday, if so let me know? I'm going to try one step at a time!


Kamie said...

This sounds great, Evie. I think small steps are a must. (I'm hoping to do the same with the things I struggle with.) Keep it up!! ♥ you.

Retta said...

I'll join you on day at a time, little steps, and live life better.

Unknown said...

I've run out time for now. But I just wanted to plant a little for later. Instead of thinking about making changes in *diet*, and *exercise*.
Look to improve your food intake by focusing on protein and fiber.
And your activity goal should be to get a handle on your cardio fat buring range. If you know where you're at right now and you find out where you should be, it will inspire you to more specific goal.

Unknown said...

I know my timing may stink a little bit. I was kind of excited when I saw your post regarding feeling that it was time to make some changes and to get a handle on your weight. And I have not really had a moment to reply. And i know that if you cannot deal with now, it will be here for you for when you do get the chance to deal with it.
I just want to encourage you with something that I think you already know. But to love yourself no matter what size or shape you are. And to never, never compare yourself to anyone else for validation.
But I do want to strongly urge you NOT make this a 'new years resolution', but that it be a 'life resolution'.
You've already made the first step, that is acknowledgment. And "one step at a time" is really the only way. When you go all out on this diet or that regiment, you set yourself up for overload, and ultimately failure. Increasing your water intake is crucial, and is a great first step. Your next step should be to analyze your protein intake. You should have grams of protein per day equal to 50% of your ideal/goal weight.
I'm sure you've heard the expression that our beauty comes from within. Although I truly believe that, especially when you have the spirit of the living God within. But our bodies do display our condition of wellness. And now more than ever I believe you are seeing how truly evident that that is.
But the one thing I have feared the most, and the one thing which I have seen over my whole life from my family, is the one thing that has made me battle so desperately my own food demons, is DIABETES.
And now having lost my brother to this evil thing at such a relatively young age only magnifies my thankfulness for things that I have been delivered from and been able to conquer. And my prayer has been that others would wake up and take this thing more seriously. To me diabetes is worse than cancer. Not only because it doesn't kill you quickly, but makes you suffer in dramatic ways. And it is easily CURABLE! Diabetes is so very much within our control to remedy. And I think that you can put this in your list of things to accompany your prayer of serenity. You my dear are so very high on the 'high risk category' for diabetes and a whole host of illnesses just because of your family predisposition.
Right now you need to be strong for your family, and for what the Lord is calling you to do. So please eat well to be strong. You will be looking for comfort to deal with the stress, but I encourage you to find something healthy to indulge on.
If you need a munchie; make it a big pile of grapes, or if you need to crunch, make it whole grain cereal instead of chips.
Just be sure that you are in my prayers, and I love you, and I wish you the very best.