I cannot belive that we planned our wedding during hurricane season???? We were more worried about football season that hurricanes? Ok so since 2005 the Gulf Coast has been recovering from the Big K...and have yet to have to deal with another miserable hurricane season. Never fear though, because if there's a time for it to happen. It's definately going to be the weekend of our wedding.
Granted, my worries are not that our outdoor chapel will have rain blowing sideways thruogh it on Sunday afternoon. I'm pretty sure we're going to be good to go with the wedding. It's everything else that concerns me.....
Like the fact that we'll be in Birmingham/Cancun when the storm hits. Our house will be here alone, will all my newly moved boxes, unpacked and on the floor.
While on our honeymoon, if Cancun is spared and giving that we're even able to fly there. We'll be thinking about our home, our friends and our families. Instead of enjoying bliss. And if it's bad....dear God please don't let it....we'll be staring at the TVs thinking about it 24/7.
So either way..there's something on my mind.
In other news, I just can't belive that there is only 4 days left! 4 jelly beans!!! and a million things to do!
We've had changes in the wedding party, music and have yet to make things like the programs....it's all going to happen I'm convinced. In what form or fashion, I really don't know.
I guess for now I'll just say how lucky I am to know that we're going to have the wedding with or with out the hurricane. It's just after the wedding part we have to figure out.
Any advice for preparing for the hurricane/wedding/honeymoon/mental breakdown?
solution: Hurricane Party
amen! i told kasey that if i got stuck there id go sit on the beach with a huge hurricane of my own. :) i kept telling the people at work that this would be my luck. and yes i wondered about yalls sanity with the date but hey! who am i to question? lol. it will work out. i packed my umbrella...should i pack the poncho too?? :D
I think it's kinda cool how yesterday it looked like it was making a B-line straight for us...but this morning it did an about face...wander if the fact that yesterday was Wednesday had anything to do with that?
My advice? have faith and lean not on your own understanding ...cause you fretting about it is not going to change God's will, although, our prayers may sway Him...
I'm so very happy for yall, by the way, sorry if I've been distant...hope you understand.
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